Monday, January 7, 2019

Mushroom Miso Soup


This soup is full of flavor while being fairly quick and easy to make. With dried mushrooms, miso, and seaweed stocked in your pantry this can be on the table in 30 minutes. I have made this with buckwheat noodles, ramen noodles, and rice noodles - and like them all. You can use whatever noodles you like or that you have on hand.

To round this out into a more hearty meal, you can add some pan fried tofu to the soup as well. Totally optional, but nice if you want to make this more of a main dish.

Mushroom Miso Soup


8 oz noodles

1 oz dried shitake mushrooms
5 cups water

1/2 small onion, diced
2 carrots, diced
1 stalk of celery, diced
1/2 cup white cabbage, sliced thin
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 tbsp dried wakame

3 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp miso (Lately I have been loving the Miso and Easy vegetarian broths)
1 tbsp bouillon (Better Than Bouillon is my go-to)
Dash of Sriracha (optional if you like a little spice)

Lime juice (optional - but really brightens the soup)
Scallions, diced


Start a large pan of water boiling and cook your noodles according to the package directions. Be sure they are al dente, as they will be going back into a hot broth. Rinse the noodles in cool water to stop them from cooking, and set aside.

While your noodles are cooking, place the mushrooms and water in a medium sized stock pan and bring to a rolling boil. Add the veggies which are the onion, carrot, celery, cabbage, garlic and the wakame. Let the soup simmer until the vegetables are tender. This should only take around 10 minutes or so. Test the veggies so they are to your liking and not too soft.

When the veggies are done cooking lower the heat and add the soy sauce, miso, bouillon, and Sriracha. Taste the broth and adjust the seasonings to your liking. Remember the miso will keep it's health benefits if it is not boiled so you can add the miso last when you have taken the soup off of the heat. It will dissolve just fine.

Divide the noodles into large soup bowls and ladle the soup over the top of the noodles. Add a dash of lime juice and some diced scallions and enjoy.