Monday, October 22, 2018

Ginger Lemonade


I love to drink this through the cold and flu season. The lemon, ginger and apple cider vinegar have many health benefits with vitamin C, probiotics and inflammatory properties - overall they provide a nice boost to your immune system.

I make a few jars of this at the start of the week and then just grab one a day.

Ginger Lemonade


3 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp liquid stevia
1 tsp apple cider vinegar (with "the mother" for the probiotics)
1 inch piece of ginger peeled and sliced
32 ounces of water


Put all the ingredients in a 32 oz jar and add the water. Let sit in the refrigerator until ready to drink. The ginger flavors permeate the drink more the longer it soaks.