Friday, November 27, 2015

Creamy Cucumber Dressing/Dip

Late fall is the best time for gardening. You work all year to plant, water, weed and care for your garden and then it all comes together in the fall when you start to harvest the freshest organic produce available. I did not have the best year with my garden. My herbs didn't take off like I imagined, my root veggies had their tops eaten by some creature (birds, I think) and a late storm killed off a lot of my spring plants. However, we harvested squash, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes carrots, beets, turnips, and peas.... it is so rewarding.

All these fresh veggies lend themselves to dipping. This cucumber dip is fresh and delicious as a dip or salad dressing. Either way it is yummy.

Creamy Cucumber Dressing/Dip


1 cup vegan mayo
1/2 cup peeled and finely diced cucumber (1/2 medium cucumber)
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp parsely
1 tsp dill
salt and pepper to taste - just a few sprinkles is enough


Basically you just mix it all together and let it chill. Easy peasy :)  Drizzle over salads or dip fresh veggies into it and enjoy.

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